Euroregion Neman Trade Union Co-operation

April 2-4, 2009 Euroregion Neman Trade Union conference took place in Bielowieza forest near border with Belarus in Poland.

The representatives from 4 border region trade unions of Neman region:
Lithuanian Trade Union Confederation (LPSK),
NSZZ Solidarnosc (Podliask region, Poland)
Belorusian Congress of Democratic Trade Unions (BKDP)
Kaliningrad Region Trade Union Federation (Russia FNPR)
have signed the Statute and regulations of a Euroregion Neman Trade Union Council. This is the next step towards the closer co-operation between the trade union organizations in the region.

The first president of the Council was elected Ryczard Urbancik from NSZZ Solidarnosc Podliask region. 25 participants from 4 countries have discussed Socio-economic situation in the crisis, EU Eastern partnership programme and planned further event for the organizations in the region.
Euroregion of Neman river Trade Union Transborder cooperation supported by FES.

/Sergeus Glovackas