Improving Gender mainstreaming within Trade Union Organisations in Bulgaria, Romania and Turkey

The project named “Improving Gender mainstreaming within Trade Union Organisations in Bulgaria, Romania and Turkey” aimed to support trade unions to create a debate about equal opportunities for women inside their organisations, so as to facilitate concrete actions within this sector. The focus was on two different levels: on the one hand, the exchange of good practices about bargaining on both national and territorial level, on the other, the political view towards the presence of women in trade unions. Activities took place in three seminars where representatives from partner organisations worked out action plans to implement within the frame and to support gender policy. ISCOS then created guidelines to support partner organisations in the process of gender policy.

Partners involved in the project were Istur-CITUB from Bulgaria, Cartel Alfa, CSDR, BNS, Fratia from Romania and DISK, KESK, HAK-Is, TURK- IS, CNI from Turkey
The focus was on two different levels: on the one hand, the exchange of good practices about bargaining on both national and territorial level, on the other, the political view towards the presence of women in trade unions. Activities took place in three seminars where representatives from partner organisations worked out action plans to implement within the frame and to support gender policy. ISCOS then created guidelines to support partner organisations in the process of gender policy.
Partners involved in the project were Istur-CITUB from Bulgaria, Cartel Alfa, CSDR, BNS, Fratia from Romania and DISK, KESK, HAK-Is, TURK- IS, CNI from Turkey

Guideline ISCOS project