Ukraine: execution of Labour arbitration decition

In order to protect the constitutional workers’ right to work, adequate standard of living and timely payment of wages, and in accordance with the Law of Ukraine ‘On Collective Labour Disputes (Conflicts) Settlement Procedure’, the JRB of trade unions decided to enter collective labour disputes (conflicts) with the Government of Ukraine and the JRB of employers at the national level.

For the first time in the history of relations and social dialogue in Ukraine Labour Arbitration at the national level was held at the request of trade unions to review liability of employers for late payment and obliged employers to take measures to pay wage arrears.

Pursuant to the Decision of the Labour Arbitration on collective labour dispute (conflict) between the JRB of trade unions and associations of employers at the national level No. 3 of 29/05/2015, on 14 July 2015 the JRB of trade unions considered outcomes of work of conciliation bodies and further action of the JRB of trade unions, and introduced a regular monitoring of timely payment of wages.

According to the Decision of the JRB of trade unions No. 24-1 of 14/07/2015, the JRB of employers at the national level and the National Mediation and Conciliation Service were sent information as of 01/01/2017 on wage arrears of at the companies belonging to sphere of influence of the JRB of employers at the national level; state-owned companies; municipal companies, and further information about the companies with wage arrears.