The Trade Union of Forestry, Wood processing, and Paper of Republika Srpska, with the support of the International Trade Union Confederation (ITUC) – Office in Sarajevo and the Swedish trade unions LO TCO, during the implementation of the program and project activities, organized a seminar for the members of the Structure of Youth and Structure of Women of the Trade Union of Forestry, Wood processing, and Paper of Republika Srpska on the topic “Analysis of the Labor law, Importance of prevention and protection at work for the young workers and women, Peaceful resolution of the labor disputes in the Republika Srpska”. The seminar was held on 13-15 March 2015 in Višegrad – RS- Bosnia and Herzegovina.
There were 23 representatives of the young and women from the Trade Union of Forestry, Wood processing, and Paper of Republika Srpska from all parts of the Republika Srpska, including all economic activities that make part of this Trade union organization. Lecturers were the President of the branch trade union Vlado Pavlović, Director of the Republika Srpska Agency for Peaceful Resolution of Labor disputes, and Graduate Lawyer in the Confederation of the Trade Unions of the Republika Srpska, Goran Stanković.
Trade Unions have organized intensive activities on the protection of the acquired workers’ rights, on one hand, whereas the Employers and the Republika Srpska Government try to pass a new Labor law, which will reduce significantly the workers’ and trade union rights. To that end, the seminar participants were informed about the basic elements of the Labor law, its analysis of the application, and basic demands of employers who wish to reduce the acquired workers’ and trade union rights through the adoption of the new Labor law.
The topic “Importance of prevention and protection at work for the young workers and women” was chosen because the Republika Srpska adopted a new Law on protection at work, and ample bylaws, which introduced ample novelties in this area. According to the Law on protection at work, every employer is obliged to adopt the regulation on risk assessment, which should contribute to the reduction of danger and harmful effects at work, that is, the priority should be prevention particularly in relation to young workers and women.
Forestry and Wood processing are the economic activities, which unfortunately, often encounter injuries at work, even with mortal outcome, and that was also one of the reasons to choose this topic for the seminar.
Also, the matter of peaceful resolution of labor disputes in the Republika Srpska is a current issue, and the seminar participants had a chance to obtain basic knowledge from this field, including information how to resolve a labor dispute through the Agency.
Following the seminar, the participants have acquired basic knowledge from:
– the Republika Srpska Labor law
– demands of the employers related to the amendments of applicable regulations
– trade union activities related to protection of acquired workers’ rights
– role of the young and women in the trade union activities related to protection of acquired workers’ rights
– new Law on protection at work
– supporting bylaws
– duties of employers in the system of protection at work
– duty of every employer to adopt the regulation on risk assessment
– risk assessment (influence of probability and influence)
– rights and responsibilities of workers in the system of protection at work
– role of trade unions in the application of protection at work
– relevance of protection, particularly for young workers and women
Participants acquired basic knowledge from this field, and they can now better influence how to protect themselves at work and who to address in case of violation of their rights.
They will share their experience and knowledge with their working colleagues in their companies.
All the participants have expressed their gratitude to the Trade Union of Forestry, Wood processing, and Paper of Republika Srpska, International Trade Union Confederation (ITUC) – Office in Sarajevo and the Swedish trade union LO TCO, for helping them participate in this seminar, where they obtained basic knowledge from this field.
Reported by: TU of Forestry , Wood and Paper Industry