PERC Steering Committee meeting

The PERC Steering Committee on its regular meeting on 10th of March discussed the preparations for the ITUC General Council, ITUC agenda regarding the International Labour Conference, OSH campaign, the ETUC priorities and actions, also in a view of the EU external support to the cooperating partners to face challenges of COVID-19 recovery and vaccination and the need for social partners involvement in monitoring and control of respective actions taken by the national governments.

It also took note information by the PERC about recent trade union developments and specific challenges in some of the PERC countries, particularly, Belarus, Georgia, Ukraine, Romania, Slovakia, Bosnia and Herzegovina, as well as the PERC planning and cooperation with Solidarity Support Organisations.

The Youth Committee presented plans for the reorganisation and improvement of youth work in a view of Pan-European Conference planned for the end of the year. The Steering Committee encouraged all unions to take an active part in the ITUC actions for the 28 April and ratification of the ILO Convention 190, while also congratulated Women’s Committee for impressive 8 March mobilisation.