Conference was welcomed by Josef Středula, President of ČMKOS. He presented the situation in Chezh Republic and discussed with youth on different campaigns and situation in Europe and struggles young workers face in the world of work. Roman Zaytsev, the President of PERC Youth Committee reported on their activities during the period of 2018-2019.
Conference discussed Future of work and raising use of platforms and digitalisation. Youth Committee presented their own work done in the frame of Future of Work and discussion was summarised and commented by ETUC Confederal secretary Ludovic Voet. Organizing session was presented with country cases and activities organised for Youth in the region. Maria Tsirantonaki, ITUC Equality department, presented structure, goals, work and political agenda of ITUC Youth Committee and explained procedures of PERC YC representatives’ nomination into ITUC YC.
Solidarity examples and practice of communication, dealing , dealing with violation of TU rights in the region were discussed, tools used to reach impact and threats for the region as whole. Anton Leppik, Executive Secretary of PERC explained situation in the region and future plans.
Joscha Wagner, ETUC Youth Committee member presented structure and work of ETUC Youth Committee. Leonie Liemich presented a structure and activities of EPSU Youth Network. And Jan Drahokoupil, researched from ETUI presented different cases of platform work and researches done by ETUI and Conference discussed Unions reactions and possible future outcomes.
There was a special session for presentations of the candidates running for the Committee where they shared their vision of the PERC YC future activities and their union background. The Conference elected the 6th PERC Youth Committee in accordance with the Terms of Reference, and the voting resulted in the following composition:
Ms. Ruzica Grabovac, CATUS, Serbia:
Mr. Giga Bekauri, GTUC, Georgia
Mr. Glib Kolesov, KVPU, Ukraine
Mr. Yury Varlamov, KTR, Russia
Ms. Klaudia Bushi, BSPSH, Albania
Mr. Burhan Yildiz, Hak-IS, Turkey
The afternoon session was dedicated to brainstorm the priorities for the work of new PERC Youth Committee in groups and to present the outcomes. This formed a long list of priorities for new 6th Youth Committee to build their work on throughout their mandate of 2 years. After the Conference was closed, there was a joint meeting of 5th and 6th PERC Youth Committees.