On that occasion, trade union leaders from the Region discussed current issues and they also had an opportunity to create developing strategy related to some matters; enhance mutual cooperation at the regional and sub-regional level. The need was acknowledged for the trade unions to have a stronger role and that they need to exert pressure on the governments of their respective countries, as well employers’ associations in reference to the issues of current pension system reforms in their countries, genuine social dialog in designing and pursuing those reforms, but also other issues relevant for trade unions such as: fighting corruption, informal economy, reduction of poverty.
After the first year of implementation of the on-going project of PERC/ LO Norway “Participation of trade unions in the reform of pension fund system”, the project is recognized as extremely relevant and valuable for the SEE trade unions. In this way, the capacities of trade unions have been strengthened for taking more active role in the processes of reforms of pension systems. There was a proposal that the SEE TU Forum addresses the Regional Cooperation Council with the request to hold Regional conference on the policies of pension system reforms, during which the trade unions would present their positions and demands related to pursuing these reforms in SEE countries.
A new representative was elected to chair the Forum, and she is Ms. Marija Hanževački from the NHS – Croatia. It was agreed that the next meeting of the Forum will take place after the ETUC Congress, which is scheduled for May 2011.
/Enisa Salimovic, SEE TU Forum Coordinator