Young people around the world have similar hopes for the future. They want to have a decent job and decent income, to have a home and free time for the family, possibility for self-development and recreation. Young people also want to live in peace and be confident in the future. But today this is a dream for many of young workers. On the World day for the Decent Work the PERC Youth Committee calls on to fight for justice, equality and better future. We understand that this struggle is hard, but we have all chances to win. In order to succeed, we must unite.
We support the position of ITUC and PERC that the global supply chain model, which dominates the world economy, must be changed. This unequal and exploitative model is undermining decent work. Also it is a big obstacle for young people in their way to stable and dignified life. That is why PERC Youth Committee calls on government and business to build a new global economy that brings for us equality, decent wages, stable employment, social peace and economic growth.
Today we see that modern world is changing rapidly and economy is one of the driving forces behind these processes. Along with the progress come new challenges and threats for the trade unions around the world. The labour market is evolving, so are the forms of employment. For the most part, this field is terra incognita for the trade unions, due to its novelty. These forms of employment are hard to define, the people involved are hard to find. All these factors make it extremely easy to dismiss the issue all together. The present negligence can lead to negative consequences in future, because these forms of employment ARE the future of work. Considering the current trend of decreasing union membership, we must use every single opportunity to organize new and unorthodox segments of the increasingly global labour market.
Young trade unionists and working youth must realize that our future is our own hands. It is our duty to ensure decent working conditions and to fight exploitation caused by the corporate greed. Exploitation leads to further marginalization of people and their ejection from the social life. Young people are among the groups of population most susceptible to social dumping and marginalization.
We, the youth are the future and we are facing a great danger in form of globalization of economy. The only way to resist it, is to unite.