Youth committee

The PERC Youth Committee is elected by a PERC Youth Conference organised once in two years.

The PERC, through its Youth Committee, strives:

  • To promote a rights-based approach – based on the various international and European labour and social standards
  • To promote specific programmes to facilitate the transition of young people from school to working life; vocational training programmes; and active employment and labour market policies aimed at providing decent work for all young people;
  • To ensure the full integration and active participation of young people in trade union organisations.
  • To ensure the integration of the concerns and needs of young workers/people into trade union policies, campaigns and actions.

The Conference in Brussels, 06-07 November 2024, elected the 8th PERC Youth Committee.

Mr Nikola Bobic, CATUS, Serbia

Vice Presidents:
Mr Vedran Jurišić, KSBiH Bosnia-Hercegovina
Ms. Aleksandra Zdanowska, FNV, Netherlands

Ms Dirida Nikollaj, KSSH, Albania
Mr. Eshgin Aliyev, AHIK, Azerbaijan
Mr. Yauheni Dzenisenka, BKDP, Belarus
Mr. Vasil Todorov, CITUB, Bulgaria
Ms. Kafia Hashi Mohamud, LO, Norway
Ms. Khrystina Levchenko, FPU, Ukraine