The Survey follows its usual structure: the first part looks at women’s participation within the PERC member organisations in terms of membership numbers and their representation in decision making positions, and the second part focuses on a specific theme. The Survey is mainly meant for the organisations in the Balkans non-EU members and the countries in NIS and Russia.
Main aims of the Survey:
– To assess progress in reducing the gender representation gap in trade unions;
– To learn about trade union strategies to address violence against women;
– To assess what actions unions have been taking in order to combat violence against women.
Structure of the Survey:
Part I - looks at women’s participation within the PERC member and partner organisations (non EU members) in terms of membership numbers and their representation in decision making positions.
Part II - focuses on a specific theme: violence against women.
PERC members at various levels have put in place different measures and adopted political positions to fight violence against women. This report collects and assesses together what strategies, activities, actions trade unions have been taking.