The objective for this congress was to mark a turning point in the BNS activity, as organisation is ready to move on to a new concept of organization, more efficient, closer to the people and in tune with technological developments. BNS believes that the world must become fairer and more social, and that social partners from everywhere must work together effectively for sustainable growth, quality jobs and better working conditions, strong labour rights, fair social protection, and more democracy for workers and citizens. To accomplish this, BNS has established a Strategy to tackle the many existing problems that are faced today and to implement the necessary solutions, actions, policies and programs to overcome these problems.
During the congress was broadcasted message from Sharan Burrow, the General Secretary of ITUC. And the frontlines tackled by ITUC are definitely relevant for BNS too, and the ITUC, ETUC and PERC agendas and campaigns are shared by BNS as well. There was a large group of well known experts in their respective fields who took part in the congress, alongside congress delegates and guests, government officials, politicians, representatives of the employer’s and workers’ organizations, and NGOs. Their involvement resulted in very successful and interesting debates, during two panels tackling significant issues for Romania - “Labor legislation and the role of social partners in regulating the labor market”, and the “Role of industrial relation systems in Member States in strengthening the future European formation”.
The Congress elected the members of the Executive Board (President and vice-Presidents), the Committee of Ethics and of the Auditing Committee.