Bulgaria: nation-wide protest

On 27th of November 2019 the Confederation of Labour Podkrepa held a national-wide protest rally to raise its voice against the attempts of Bulgarian employers to transfer the cost of sick leave to workers and to demand for more funds for Education, Healthcare and incomes and for energy-poor citizens. The Rally is scheduled during the week, when the Bulgarian National Assembly is debating the 2020 State Budget bill.

The protest gathers thousands trade-unions members from PODKREPA CL Regional unions and professional branch federations.

More specifically, protesters are insisting on:
  The first five days from the sick leave to be payed at 100 % by the employer;
  Removal of income tax on the Minimal salary;
  Obligatory and urgent actualization of the extra payment from night work that remains unchanged since 2007, namely at the level of 0,13 Euro cent/hour;
  Limitation of extra working hours;
  Application of aggregate calculation of working time to be explicitly for
productions with continuous technological mode of operation.

Protesters marched in the center of Sofia for three hours, passing face to the Bulgarian National Assembly, the offices of the Bulgarian Industrial Association and the Council of Ministers. Petition with the main demands was presented to the Bulgarian Parliament and Government officials.

The message of the protest to Bulgarian politician and Government executives was that Working people need decent wages, fair working conditions, serious social dialogue and stronger collective bargaining! PODKREPA CL will continue to put pressure with regard to guarantee decent life to the Bulgarian citizens!

PODKREPA information

ITUC solidarity letter