Not surprisingly, the harassment of leaders of newly organized independent union soon has begun. Union leader Oleg Stakhaevich and Liudmila Litvinko, wife of another union activist, were dismissed. Other workers and union activists are threatened to have problems during the work place assessment test certifying their professional competency and fitness. Yet, the workers would not tolerate that and announced their intention to strike to get union leaders reinstated and the union recognised.
The ITUC is also calling its affiliates, union activists and human rights defenders to join the solidarity campaign with RUPP "Granite" company workers.
Belarus has been continuously criticized by the ILO for non-compliance with the international labour standards. The Commission on Inquire produced 12 recommendations, which have not been implemented by the state so far, despite some cosmetic moves on the side of the government. One of these recommendations specifically refers to the obligatory registration of unions by the authorities.