FES Warsaw presented research”CEE:Informality as Normality?” prepared by young german researcher Berit Schroder. Research include Belarus, Moldova, Ukraina, Hungary and Poland.
StreetNet International street vendors organiosations which now have organizations in Africa, South America and Asia interested involve in to network activity organizations from CEE.StreetNet has prepared special IE workers organizing and organisations capacity building manual which possible to adopt for CEE realities. StreetNET international coordinator Pat Horn shared positive experience cooperation with UNI on street vendors organizing in Africa.Some experience can be usefull in CEE.
CCC have activity with IE workers from textile sector in Turkey and South East Europe.
HWW work with Homebased Women NGOs from Serbia, Romania, Macedonia and Bulgaria also cooperated with”Podkrepa” Bulgaria.
During meeting agreed to collect date base of existing IE workers organizations in CEE, to help CEE members organizations from NGOs and TU establish contacts and start cooperation, start preparation for common CEE regional alliance building conference, to establish CEE young researcher who specialized on IE network, permanently exchange information about activity and partners in region, promote IE workers from CEE cooperation with similar organizations from other part of the world.
Sergeus Glovackas