The trade union economic experts from Albania, BIH, Croatia, Macedonia, Kosovo, Montenegro and Serbia discussed the recent developments on wages and productivity on international and regional level, drivers of change in wage policy with national and sectoral approaches, ITUC and ETUC wage campaign in Supply chains and the future work of the Network. Professor Bruno Sergi – ETUI, a permanent mentor of the Network of economic experts, Bela Galgoczi- ETUI, and Anton Leppik – PERC Executive Secretary provided significant professional support.
Participants once again recognized the relevance of the Network, continuation of the regional, bilateral and cooperation among experts and trade unions at the national level, all aimed at strengthening of the trade union capacities, use of good practices, and also the development of the common strategies related to different matters.
As an outcome of this meeting, the economists will prepare paper on the main macroeconomic indicators, economic and social situation in their respective countries and paper on comparative analysis of wages in SEE.
This activity was organized by ITUC/ PERC Office in Sarajevo and financially supported by U2U project. Working languages were BSCM, Albanian and English.