Last year in Albania there were 111 accidents at work registered, 26 persons died. Almost all of them worked illegally. One of the informal work sources is huge migration from villages to towns. Informal work is mostly spread in construction, commerce, service and journalism. The trade unions are closely collaborating with the Labour safety inspection although in the investigation conclusions on informal economy there is not a single word about trade unions. One of the main IE reasons in Albania is corruption.
Project sectors: commerce, construction, service, light industry, wood, tourism. It was agreed that till end of April the target branches together with the confederations will collect the information about the situation in the sectors (how many employees, employment status, reasons for informal employment etc.)
Planning: in the beginning of May the national working group consisting of 8 persons will meet (4 per organization) and together with professor K.Petkov they will prepare the situation mapping paper. Then the national working group will prepare the action plan. In June there will be 3 days training for the selected organizers and starting from autumn the implementation of the action plan will start the important part of which is the informational organizing campaign. Also in the end of the year there will be high level tripartite Round table on the theme.
Sergeus Glovackas