Joined International Youth Day’s statement by the PERC and ETUC Youth Committees

International youth day was first celebrated in the year 2000. The world has changed in the 18 years that followed. Unacceptable high temporary rates and other forms of precariousness persisted and were even aggravated by the economic crisis of 2008 and the austerity policies which followed.

10 years after the outburst, the unemployment rate is decreasing albeit still exceptionally high in some European regions. However, new times bring forth new challenges, which the youth of the present must face.

Modern society is hugely affected by the 4th industrial revolution: we are living in the time of massive socio-economic changes. Youth, being the most progressive and mobile social groups is the at the same time one of most vulnerable groups of population.

Precarious employment forms are going to have a long lasting negative effect on their lives.

This in its turn leads to precarious living and social instability. The corporate greed along with the lagging social protection mechanisms and inadequate legal base exacerbates the existing trends, condemning today’s youth to a pitiful existence.

Precarious employment forms are a part of a broader topic – Future of work / work of the future. We as PERC Youth Committee and ETUC Youth Committee understand the responsibility thus we are committed to keeping on defending the rights and interests of young workers.

The youth do not deserve a bleak future!