On the occasion of the EU – Ukraine Summit, we reiterate that we expect full implementation of the commitment of Ukraine under ILO Conventions, ESC, AA and DCFTA, in particular:
– To develop and to implement economic and social policies, to promote decent work, reduce of poverty and unemployment, guarantee fair remuneration and taxation, ensure equality and non-discrimination, quality and accessible public services, in close consultation with national social partners.
– To ensure that national legislation respects fundamental workers’ rights, freedom of association and collective bargaining and that any draft legislation on labour relations, is reviewed by the national social dialogue mechanisms and takes into account ILO expertise, ahead of any debates in the Parliament This is particularly relevant for the draft trade union bill, that must be dismissed in its current form.
– To promote social dialogue and collective bargaining, in line with the EU values and principles, including on issues of social policies, COVID19 healthcare and economic implications measures and EU support for them, on universal and adequate social protection and on regulation for newly appearing or insufficiently regulated areas of labour relations, e.g. digitally mediated forms of employment or remote and domestic labour.
– To eradicate unpaid wages, both in the public and private sector.
– To empower labour inspection to implement full control over labour and OSH legislation and COVID19 workplace measures.
Joint statement of the European and Ukrainian trade unions on the occasion of the EU-Ukraine Summit
On the occasion of EU -Ukraine Summit, planned on 6th of October, European and Ukrainian Unions released joined statement. Full statement in attachment.