Some 30 trade union leaders and experts from the countries of South Eastern Europe, representatives of the PERC, ILO, ETUI – REHS, EPSU and national sister organisations from Europe, the CGT France, LO Norway and CGIL Italy discussed (1) the transformation process of the Bucharest Employment Process in SEE, (2) the current development in the field of social dialogue in SEE countries with special view on the social dialogue in the EU, the tripartite social dialogue, the difference between social dialogue and civil dialogue, (3) the Social Memorandum and Energy treaty, (4) the findings of an analytical paper on the Trade Union education Evaluation program in SEE, (5) the role of TUs in promoting workers rights in the informal economy and (6) the work of the Center for Regional Cooperation and EU Integration in Zagreb, which provides support to the Forum and continues the projects of the previous ETUC Balkans Forum, particularly the SEE Legal Expert Network project.
Meeting of the SEE Trade Union Forum
The SEE Trade Union Forum, with the support of the Friedrich Ebert Foundation, held its third meeting on 29 - 30 of September 2008, in Zagreb, Croatia.
J.W.Goudriaan PP Energy Community