Main aims of the survey:
To assess progress in reducing the gender representation gap in trade unions;
To learn about the impact of crisis on female employment;
To assess what actions unions have been taking in response?
Structure of the Survey:
Part I - looks at women’s participation within the PERC member organisation (non EU members) in terms of membership numbers and their representation in decision making positions.
Part II - focuses on a specific theme: the impact of the crisis on female employment.
In addition to information about the direct impact on female employment (participation rates, pay, working hours and patterns, workplace discrimination, quality of work and precariousness), it also tries to find out whether and, if so, to what extent the family and economic policies conducted by governments are having on women’s employment and gender equality in general. The Survey tries to find some answers on the following questions: What impact has economic/fiscal policies and cuts to public services? What actions unions have been taking in response? Do current negotiating strategies take account of the gender aspects of the crisis? Have unions changed their strategies or adopted new ones as a result?
The survey has been prepared with the financial support of the ILO-ACTRAV.