The labor market data shows a boom of precarious and informal forms of work in virtually every country in Europe and all over the world. Young people in particular are most affected by the process of “informalization” of work which forced millions of them to live with economic insecurity. They pay the price of job market “flexibility” and are the most severely affected by unemployment and precarious work, inadequate education and training, exploitation and discrimination at work.
The International WorkersDay (called also May Day or Labor Day) is a global day on which trade unionists around the world commemorate the fight for the eight hour day and celebrate the role of workers in the fight for democracy and social justice. It
s an occasion to celebrate the social and economic achievements of the labour movement and to condemn the ongoing difficulties many women and men faced in their efforts to assert their rights to justice, equality, humanity and sustainability. But as we celebrate, we should also reflect on where we stand, how far we have progressed and what we still need to do to achieve those rights and opportunities that are integral parts of our human and workersrights.
Today the global challenges are as great as we have ever faced and only if we are united and act together, then we can make a difference for a better tomorrow. PERC Youth Committee supports all youth activities in Europe, organized in the frame of May Day and aiming to show that young people are united in their demands to make real the dream of social justice, equality, employment growing policies, decent workplaces and decent life for young women and men.
On behalf of the PERC Youth Committee I would like to call to everyone:
Let’s all together act everyday as on the International Workers
Do your bit to ensure that the future for young women and men is bright, equal, safe and decent!
1 May 2011
Daniela Aleksieva
President of PERC Youth Committee