PERC Youth Committee for the European Action Day- 29 February 2012

Brussels: the CSC action in front of the European Commission: Solidarity against Austerity! Youth and elderly people together!

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Tbilisi: GTUC action and statement

Today, the protest action was held in front of Parliament building and the members of trade union symbolically burned “Labor Code”. The special statement was made at the action. Here you can see it:
“By this action GTUC reacts to the ETUC initiative. In it’s framework, 29 February is declared as European action Day. This day, European Trade Union will address to the participants of forthcoming European Council board on 1-2 March, in Brussels, with the demand of solving problems and social justice. GTUC is the integral part of European Trade Union and totally shares its demand, expressed at Action Day. GTUC also thanks to ETUC for their permanent support towards us.
To fight for the decent work is the everyday routine for our citizens. The existing labor legislation, discriminative labor code ruins the basis of social justice in Georgia.

It’s not first time that the initiatives of GTUC is ignored, which are addressed to the respect and protect of workers’ rights, insurance of better health service in the framework of social expanses covered by the budget, strengthening of Georgian business’s positions in international trade and creating additional working places. In case of implementation of those initiatives, the stability and international image of Georgia would be much more strengthened and poverty would be reduced.

The unjustified inflexible attitude of the Government towards the changes in Labor Code can’t solve the actual problems of 21 Century: nonexistence of 8 hour working day, unreasonable dismissal of workers from work both in private and public sector, degrading short-term contracts, unpaid overtime work, unappreciated working in hazardous conditions, ignorance of labor safety conditions, short and unfair maternity leave, nonexistence of compensation for unemployment, inadequate salaries, pensions and allowances to real inflation, encroachment of the fundamental achievement of liberal democracy – freedom of association.

The way of every country goes through prosperity of the society, strengthening of democracy and independence and developing civil society. The basis of civil society is middle class, the unity of decently employed and free people. The unity of that people can’t be reached without social justice. That’s what GTUC is fighting for, which is the expression of the interests of middle class, as in every developed, free and liberal society.
GTUC is confident that if the social dialogue has a real chance, the government, instead of declining the importance of tripartite commission of social partnership, support it’s development of it as an effective university, in the framework of the dialogue, with the sincere and constructive social cooperation, the solution of every problem - pretending Georgia from establishing European values, will be possible.

The every citizen of Georgia, civil society, employer or worker, retired or unemployed people– should fight together for establishing European values, principles of decent work and social justice in our country.”


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Sofia: On 29th February, Confederation of Independent Trade Unions in Bulgaria (CITUB), jointly with its youth organization (Youth Forum 21th Century) and National Association of the Elder People organized a special press conference and together joined to the European Trade Union Action Day. During the press conference and in the frame of the European Year of Active Aging and Intergenerational Solidarity, there was a symbolic and silent protest, organized jointly by young and elderly people, against the austerity measures of the government and with on common message “Enough is enough! We need hope and guarantees for better alternatives for life, employment and social justice!”. Daniela Aleksieva, President of “Youth Forum 21th Century” and Vice President of ITUC – PERC Youth Committee made a statement about the main challenges faced by young people in Bulgaria and comment the new draft Law for Youth, which is discussed in the Parliament, and which was create without taking into account the opinion of young people. She also presented the joint protest letter sent to the Permanent Representation of the European Commission in Bulgaria, in which the signed organizations “insist that the economic measures have to lead to economic growth and new, quality jobs, rather than fiscal discipline, austerity and negative social policies, proclaimed in the new international agreement that is expected to be signed by the Council of Europe. We openly insist that European leaders have to put the employment, recovery and social justice at the forefront of the table of discussions in the Council of Europe.”


The position of CITUB` Executive Committee on the White Paper on Pensions was presented in front of the press by Valentin Nikiforov, Vice President and Asia Goneva, Executive Secretary of the Confederation.

Letter to EU


Ankara: HAK-IS Youth Committee around 30 people went to the Delegation of the EU to Turkey Building and made a symbolic demonstration against the austerity measures with slogans such as decent jobs for young people, against the austerity measures of EU. HAK-İŞ Ankara Branch Manager and PERC Youth Committee President Tugba Balci made a statement about Youth unemployment, Austerity measures effects on labour market and youth.


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PERC Youth Committee statement:

Today, 29th of February, young people of Pan-European region are joining their voices in protest against the austerity measures and are expressing their solidarity with the European Trade Union Confederation “ENOUGH is ENOUGH: alternatives do exist for EMPLOYMENT and SOCIAL JUSTICE” day of action.

The ETUC and its affiliated confederations have decided to run on a decentralized European day of action on 29 February on the eve of the European Council scheduled for 1 and 2 March.

Today many young people are mobilising and participating in various national and international actions in various European cities. Members of the PERC Youth Committee will hold solidarity actions in their countries, within and beyond the borders of the European Union.

Young people feel the pain of austerity measures that curb their decent job opportunities. Too many young people are unemployed today, and those who are employed, often experience precariorisity of interim, part-time, temporary, agency labour relations.

We, the young people of Europe, are raising our voice together and appeal to the European Union to take specific and concrete pro-growth steps instead of austerity measures. There is an urgent need to find alternative measures through social dialogue for employment and social justice and to strengthen European social model, not to jeopardise it.

On behalf of PERC Youth Committee I would like to express our full solidarity with all European young workers mobilising today for the European Action Day.

Tugba Balci, PERC Youth Committee President