The aim of the action was to draw the attention of the parliamentarians to the critical situation in Ukrainian science, caused by its constant significant underfunding.
Addressing the protest Chairman of the Trade Union of the National Academy of Science Anatoliy Shyrokov briefly described the situation in the national science and outlined the main demands of the protesters to the public authorities.
They include: firstly, full implementation of the Law of Ukraine on Scientific and Research Activities (in particular, Articles 36 and 48 of this Law concerning gradual increase in pay of scientific workers and in the financing of science in general); secondly, to include in the draft Law of Ukraine on State Budget 2017 the proposals of the Parliamentary Committee on Science and Education (from 5 October 2016) to increase the budget expenditures on science in general and on the National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine in particular; thirdly, full provision of necessary funds to pay wages, taking into account changes in wages in the public sector, to be implemented from 1 December 2016 and the next year. More details about the situation in Ukrainian science and scientists’ demands representatives of the Trade Union presented at the press conference in the news agency “UNIAN” the day before the action: (
Other speakers included the representatives of research institutions, in particular, Zabolotny Institute of Microbiology and Virology, Frantsevych Institute of Materials Science, Gryshko National Botanical Garden, Publishing House “Naukova Dumka” of the National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine.
Summing up the protest action Anatoly Shyrokov informed the participants that trade union representatives were going to meet with members of the Parliament of Ukraine and discuss the financing of the science. The results of the meeting will be communicated later. Anatoly Shyrokov also announced the next protest in mid-November.
Scientists held a warning protest in Kyiv

On 3 November 2016 the Trade Union of the National Academy of Science of Ukraine organised a warning protest at the building of the Parliament of Ukraine.