In public session with participation of the HAK-Is President Salim Uslu and HAK-Is young activists the imformation about ITUC campaigns - Youth, T-mobile, Play Fair, Decisions for Life - was presented together with diffeent campaigning tools developed by the ITUC and run by ITUC Youth. Specific attention was devoted to reflection upon different World Day for Decent Work activities and the role of youth in making the action creative and innovative. Particular examples, such as "airport action in LIthuania", "Unilever action in Hungary", "funerals in Russia" were mentioned.
During the formal meeting of the Committee, it discussed proposals to the PERC workpan for the coming year, reaafirmed its intention to be included in different working groups of the PERC, particularly, on organising and communication policies, and in preparation of the PERC Assembly, debated the concept for the PERC youth conference on vocational education and training and the respective project to be developed on the subject.
It also discussed the report to the PERC Executive Committee, actions for the International Women’s day on 8 March, for the Eurodemonstration in Budapest on 9 April and for the 1st of May.