This service will provide individual EU country dossiers with fact-based information on:
- the state of labour market reforms;
- the state of pension reforms;
- developments in legislation on strikes and data on strike activities.
It will allow the reader to understand the fundamental changes that labour markets reforms, pension systems and strike activities have undergone in EU member states in the last ten years.
The service will also include an overview per country of:
- the industrial relations system (key facts and institutions);
- the main trade union confederations;
- the employers’ organisations
- trade-union related research centers.
In addition, the ETUI Reforms Watch will monitor new developments on labour market and pension reforms as well as strike activities via regular short Reforms Watch news items. These news pieces should be read in conjunction with the country dossier.
The ETUI Reforms Watch will also include links to major research reports (from ETUI and other research institutes) as well as graphs and statistics regarding developments in the three main subject areas. The ETUI/AIAS collective bargaining newsletter and database, although a distinct service, will complement this service with news on collective bargaining across the European Union.