The Grigor Gradev Scholarship: Call for Applications - 2019

In memory of Grigor Gradev and to continue his work, the ETUC and the ITUC have set up a scholarship to promote the thinking behind promoting workers’ rights and dignity in a Europe in circumstances of deep transformation and dire economic conditions. Grigor Gradev invested a lot in building the capacities of European unions, particularly in those countries that transitioned from a planned to a market economy; in promoting workers’ interests in challenging reform processes; and in encouraging and helping unions from different parts of Europe to cooperate and work together. Grigor Gradev did this by engaging in the political work, but also by contributing substantially to the intellectual thinking behind that work.

We invite young researchers who specialise in labour relations studies to apply for the three-month scholarship with the European Trade Union Institute (ETUI) in Brussels. The candidates should have a profile corresponding to the following criteria:

  • Be younger than 35 years old [1];
  • Have a proven track record of publications in the field of industrial relations, particularly in transition economies;
  • Speak and write in English;
  • Have a concrete research project focused on Central and Eastern Europe, the South-Eastern Europe, the Caucasus or Central Asia that will elaborate on issues that pertain to improving workers’ rights and dignity, e.g., collective bargaining, health and safety, information and consultation rights, etc [2].

Those interested are invited to submit an application, accompanied by their CV, a motivational letter and references to their most recent publications (three [3]) by 28 February 2019 to skasiers at with a copy to petra.winkler at The selection committee [4] will make a decision in March 2019 on the basis of the submitted documents.

The scholarship holder will be offered a mentor to follow the research project, an opportunity to present the research work to a wider audience in Brussels and at events that are of relevance for the project, e.g., trade union events and academic conferences. The research outcome will be published in the ETUI publication series. The scholarship holder will be offered travel for relocation to Brussels and then back to his or her home at the end of the scholarship period, a monthly allowance to cover accommodation and living costs, an equipped office and access to relevant resources. In addition, costs will also be covered to attend and present the research findings at relevant events, and publication costs in the ETUI publication series will also be covered.


[1The age below 35 is defined by ITUC and ETUC Youth Committees as “youth”.

[2The non-exclusive list of themes for orientation can be found at the ETUI website (

[3Texts of publications will be appreciated.

[4The selection committee consists of ETUC, ITUC and ETUI officials.