Training on International labour standards and supervisory machinery for the Baltic States

On 10-12 of April, in Vilnius, Lithuania the training for the lawyers and leaders from Baltic Trade Unions on International Labour Standarts and its supervisory machinery was organized in cooperation between International Labour Organization Bureau of workers’ activities (ILO ACTRAV), ITUC, Council of Nordic Trade Unions (NFS) and Baltic Trade Unions. The suggestion to organize that type of training was expressed during the high-level meeting of the Baltic Sea Trade Union Network (BASTUN) last year.

The training focused on the usage of International Labour Standards and analyzed the compliance of the national legal bases with eight core conventions of the ILO. The meeting discussed:
• the outcomes of the project on Workers’ Rights in Baltics;
• how can Unions use International Labour Standards (ILS) and make an impact;
• annual reports done by Governments and comments by social partners on the reports;
• general structure of the ILO and different bodies and areas it covers;
• the role of trade unions in the ILO supervisory machinery and their strategic use;
• NormLex database and use of it and other topics.

Additional meeting with the representatives of Lithuanian Trade Unions took place on 13th of April to analyze the new Labour Code in a view of its compliance with the International Labour Standards.

“This training is the first one after a long break in the Baltic States. The norms of the International Labour Organization, if you use them properly, are an effective tool to ensure and to defend workers’ rights. We hope, that Latvian, Lithuanian and Estonian Trade Unions will effectively use the knowledge gained during the training and the contacts established with colleagues from abroad” – sais Sergejus Glovackas, desk officer for Europe, ILO ACTRAV.

The trainings were conducted by the ILO experts: Sergejus Glovackas, ILO ACTRAV, desk officer for Europe Geneva office; Christina Mihes, senior specialist on social dialogue and labour rights ILO, Budapest office; Claire La Hovary, ILO ACTRAV Senior Specialist, International Labour Standards and Legal Issues; through video conference Victor Hugo Ricco, specialist in workers’ activities ILO ACTRAV. Maria Häggman, policy officer, Council of Nordic Trade Unions (NFS) presented the project on workers’ rights in Baltics “Determining whether any given legislation or practice complies with the ILO Core Conventions and Convention 144 on Tripartite Consultation.