On behalf of the Verkhovna Rada of Ukraine, the delegates were greeted by MPs Vadym Ivchenko, Serhiy Rudyk and Mykhailo Volynets, who is also President of the Confederation of Free Trade Unions of Ukraine.
On behalf of employers’ organisations: Chairman of the Council of the Federation of Employers of Ukraine Dmytro Oliynyk and President of the Association of Employers of Ukraine Anatoliy Kinakh.
Prime Minister of Ukraine Denys Shmygal and Head of the National Mediation and Reconciliation Service Oleksandr Okis addressed the Congress in written.
8th FPU Congress also received letters of greetings from EPSU, ÖGB, AHIK, CITUB, KT Podkrepa, KPA, FH, HISTADRUT, CC.OO, CGIL, CISL, UIL, CLC, LBAS, LPS "Solidarumas", CNSM, LO Norway, OPZZ, KOZ SR, AFL-CIO, SAK, CGT, Force Ouvrière, ČMKOS. We are grateful to all those who sent their congratulations to the FPU Congress.
FPU President Grygorii Osovyi delivered the report on the FPU activities for the last five years and presented the FPU Strategy for 2021-2026 "Time for Action and Quality Change".
The strategy defines main lines of trade union development and is aimed at ensuring decent working conditions, protection of labour rights and social guarantees. The document is focused on achieving concrete results towards the European integration in the economy and labour market, achieving social welfare, where the main value is a worker, the creator of material and social goods for the society.
The success in addressing socio-economic and labour problems largely depends on the extent to which the FPU and its member organizations will be strong and able to actively influence these processes.
Significant part of the Strategy is devoted to the development of the trade union movement in modern conditions, strengthening the potential of the Federation of Trade Unions as a national trade union centre, which is on the frontline of protection of workers’ and trade unions’ rights.
There were two candidates for the post of the FPU President – Grygorii Osovyi and Volodymyr Saienko. Grygorii Osovyi received 271 votes by a ’show of hands’ and was re-elected FPU President for the new term.
The Congress amended FPU Statutes, adopted the Statement "Stop Attacks on Workers’ Rights and Trade Unions" and Resolution "New Generation – New Opportunities", elected new composition of the FPU Council, Statutory and Auditing Commissions.
The Congress was followed by the first meeting of the new FPU Council that elected Yevgen Drapiatyi, Volodymyr Saienko and Oleksandr Shubin FPU Vice-Presidents and Vasyl Andreyev FPU Vice-President on a voluntary basis.
FPU International Department