The FPU, KVPU, VOST leaders and representatives of Informal Workers Union (affiliate of the VOST), employer organizations, academics, public authorities responsible for this problem attended the event. In total, the raound table was attended by 60 participants.
The FPU Vice-President Sergiy Kondriuk conducted the event. At the event it was stated that informal economy estimations are various: from 31% (data of the Ministry of Economy) up to 51% (independent sources) of GDP. 70% of employees are working informally or part of salary receiving in envelopes.
VOST Vice President J. Kurilo told the successful experience in organizing IE workers, the new trade union chairperson himself a long time worked as a construction worker without any work agreements.
KVPU representative Oleksij Kliastornyj noted that only a transparent working relationship could help bring economy from shadows. S. Kondriuk highlighted that time for talks have already passed and it‘s a need to take concrete actions in legalization of labour relations. We cannot let under no circumstances that government would deny current employees’ social guarantees.
Sergejus Glovackas presented situation in the other NIS countries and ITUC/PERC activities in this field. The common consensus accepted that such events should be constant.