United platform against forced labour and Human being Trafficking - SEE

On 13-15 October the first joint workshop “United platform against forced labour and Human being Trafficking” of South East Europe Trade Unions and NGOs took place in Bucharest, Romania.

The event was co-organised by the International Trade Union Confederation/Pan-European Regional Council (ITUC-PERC) and Anti-Slavery International in the framework of a two-year joint initiative against trafficking for labour exploitation in Europe, supported by the European Commission.

The initiative is hoping to bring together NGOs and trade unions across Europe, to raise awareness; share good practice; foster communication and development of an integrated strategy for workplace action on trafficking and the protection of trafficked people. A strategy applicable across Europe, that carried forward by a group of NGOs and trade unions that would continue working jointly to prevent and address trafficking and related issues.

The seminar has focus on exchanging experiences in reducing forced labour and anti-trafficking actions, establishing networks between trade unions and NGOs in region, looking at development of common action plans. The workshop provided an opportunity to brainstorm potential implications of the world economic crisis on trends of labour migration in the region.
Participants from Greece, Bulgaria, Serbia, Macedonia, Moldova, Armenia, Romania agreed to support organisations, which work on this problems, to set up a date base, to establish information network, and have prepared national action plans.

Workshop was led by ITUC/PERC and AntiSlavery International experts.
Next subregional event in frame of project for Central Eastern Europe is planned in Warsaw Poland 2-4 December 2009.

Sergejus Glovackas

Global trade union alliance to combat FL and trafficking