Supporting trade unionists to create the frame for a better reconciliation of work and private duties of workers and employees, and a higher level of engagement of employers in these issues on regional, national and European level.
The project BILANCIA, promoted by the Confederation of Independent Trade Unions in Bulgaria (KNSB), aims to analyse the social and economic impact of work-life-balancing strategies in the partner countries and to offer a profound information and communication tool in order to promote a higher implementation of work-life-balancing measures and mechanisms on company level in Europe.
The project partners are trade union organizations/training institutions from six EU member-states, namely:
• Zarzad Regionu Malopolska NSZZ “Solidarnosc”, Poland
• Magyar Szakszervezetek Orszagos Szovetsege (MSZOSZ), Hungary
• Instituto Addestramento Lavoratori – IAL/CISL Piemonte, Italy
• Union General de Trabajadores de Extremadura, Spain
• National Trade Union Confederation – “Cartel Alfa”, Rmania
• Romania and Berufsfortbildungswerk Bfw/DGB, Germany
For more information, download the document here