Annual pre-ILC meeting

The annual PERC pre-ILC meeting, organised in cooperation and with financial assistance of the Friedrich Ebert Shifting, took place in Bucharest on 11 and 12 April. Participants from thirty European countries discussed the ILO Committee of Experts report, general survey and individual cases of priority for the region, as well as ITUC campaign to promote development of an ILO standard on Gender based violence.

Special attention was put on the situation with workers rights in Romania, where, first, social dialog system was reformed and eventually dismantled by the government pressured by the international institutions (IMF, WB and ECB) that led to significant decline of the collective bargaining coverage, and, secondly, the social security fiscal basis was changed that transferred almost entirely all the social contributions from employer’ to employee’s responsibility.

ITUC frontline and priorities as well as agenda for the 2018 was presented. The participants also discussed the ITUC human, trade union rights survey, and its annual index of workers’ rights, which ranged all the analysed countries in the categories from 1 (no violations) to 5 (no guarantees of rights). Five European countries were ranked in the worst category: Belarus, Greece, Kazakhstan, Turkey and Ukraine.

Workers’ rights situation in Romania