Central Asia Youth discussion on realizing and promoting Trade Union rights

5-7 of July in Kyrgyzstan with support of ILO, was organised a meeting of Central Asia Young Trade Union Activists’ Network with topic „Fundamental workers’ rights and their promotion by young trade unionists”. In a meeting took part more than 25 participants from Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan and Russia.

Sergejus Glovackas, senior specialist for Worker’s Activities of the ILO Office in Moscow, made an overview of the situation with the rights of trade unions and the state of the trade union movement in the world and the region. Participants were greeted by vice-Presidents of Federation of Trade Unions of Kyrgyzstan - Ryzgul Belekovna Babaeva and Jeenbek Osmonaliev.
From ITUC side was represented structure of the world trade union movement, represented by the International Trade Union Confederation, and its advocacy for the rights of workers. Participants were discussing about most important Conventions of ILO for Trade Union movement and realizing right to freedom of association in trade unions through organizing. Theoretical material in conjunction with practical exercises allowed participants to master the basic tools and share their own experiences in attracting people in the trade unions and planning activities.
Dmitry Chuikov - Chairman of the Astrakhan regional union of culture workers, a member of the FNPR Youth Council and Julia Velichko – head of department of organizational work and information of the Murmansk Regional Council of Trade Unions highlighted the experience of the Russian trade unions in the fight for the workers’ rights, “cases” of complaints to the Committee on Freedom of Association, the European Court of Human Rights, as well as direct experience in the trade union “public monitoring” activities.
Members of the Youth Council of the Federation of Trade Unions of Kyrgyzstan - Elena Chub and Nazar Dzhanaliev – organized some interactive activities for the participants, including team building, promotional video, photo actions, elements of organising, union slogan battle and many other interesting tasks.
The next important stage was to identify priorities for further activities of the Central Asia Young Trade Union Activists Network and methods of communication between the participants. It should be noted that young trade union leaders have been proposed for further consideration the topics of social security and gender equality, youth and employment policies, and voiced the need for summarizing the work done in the period between sessions of work and reporting from each organization during the meetings.