The main theme of the meeting was reinforcing trade union policies in OSH prevention and gathered experts from ILO and ETUI. Participants were welcomed by the President of the Armenian CTUA, Eduard Tumasian. The first part of the meeting was dedicated to a round table and debate on the ILO policy on prevention, C 187 and process of ratification in the NIS countries leaded by Valentin Mocanu , Senior Labour Inspection and Occupational Safety and Health Specialist in ILO Moscow; presentation of the ILO World Day for OSH on building preventive policies , ILO campaign and campaign kit made by Oxana Gherasimova, OSH specialist. The second part of the seminar was dedicated to presentation of TAIEX funding and practical preparation of projects and was coordinated by Viktor Kempa, ETUI . Three projects have been presented during the meeting, projects that will be further developed and sent by applicant countries. The OSH network participants have decided to strength and activate their communication and exchange of experiences. A common platform for communication on social media was created with this occasion.
ILO/ITUC/PERC Workshop on Reinforcing trade union policies in OSH prevention, Armenia, 2-4 June 2015
Participants from Armenia, Belarus, Georgia, Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan, Russia, Tajikistan, Uzbekistan and Ukraine took part in the fifth NIS OSH Network meeting in Armenia organized together with the ILO Moscow and financial support from the LO/TCO.