The meeting discussed priorities and action plans of the ITUC and PERC in the region. Tim Noonan, ITUC campaigns and communication Director, introduced different ITUC campaigns: Play Fair on sport events, "We expect better" from Deutsche Telekom, Youth organising campaign and plans for the World Day for Decent Work.
Stefan Clauwaert, legal expert of the ETUI, presented the work related to the European Social Charter and the reporting cycle the the unionists could use to point out infringements of its provision in their countries to the Council of Europe.
Nadine Thevenet, from the ITUC HTUR department, informed about the work related to the ILO, its annual conference and the request to the affiliates in that regard (reporting obligations in frame of the Committee of Experts work and the debates on a new standard on Domestic work).
The PERC staff introduced the project work on European and sub-regional level, informing about activities included in the PERC workplan and the actions the PERC is considering in relation to the Civil Society Forum of the EU Eastern Partnership in accordance with the decision of the PERC Executive Committee.